What is a Mary Garden?
A garden dedicated to the Virgin Mary, whom Orthodox call the Theotokos (Mother of God) since 431 AD and before.
Mount Athos was the first Mary Garden.
According to holy tradition, Our Lady sailed to visit St. Lazarus (Martha and Mary’s brother whom Christ raised from the dead) in Cyprus. However, her ship blew off course and she ended up on the east coast of Mount Athos near a pagan temple of Apollo. Setting foot on shore, all of the idols animated and in unison exhorted the people to meet the Mother of God. Astonished, the people came out to meet her and became Christians. Our Lady was so charmed she asked God her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to place it under her protection.
Ours is less grand than the Holy Mountain, but no less sincere.
We hope Our Lady will come and visit us among the roses, to care for us, to instruct us in her Son’s ways, and to inspire and invigorate us.